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Posted by: Jim Noonan 15-Jul-13
Beating Procrastination..

Procrastination is all too common and has probably affected everyone at some stage. As Wayne Dyer said "Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy"

Definitions, often humorous ones of procrastination abound, perhaps indicative of how pervasive it is and an acceptance of its seeming inevitability. While the dictionary definition of procrastination is “To put off or defer until a later time” its manifestations can be many and varied.

Many of us can relate to this anonymous quote - "I do my work at the same time each day - the last minute"

Whatever definition we may prefer, a common and undeniable consequence of procrastination is the loss of that most precious and limited commodity – Time. More accurately it is the missed opportunity resulting from better and more productive use of that time.

Why is procrastination so common? What causes it? How can it be overcome?

"Don't fool yourself that important things can be put off till tomorrow; they can be put off forever, or not at all" - Mignon McLaughlin. Sometimes important tasks can seem gargantuan and overwhelming. When you are unable to see a clear path towards its successful completion a “Hide your head in the sand” approach may seem an attractive alternative. However, postponing the pain for tomorrow will only increase its intensity. A practical approach would be to break down mammoth tasks into manageable bite sized chunks and view each in isolation. Focusing on completion of each individual step can be a lot less daunting. As Dale Carnegie said "Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves"

Having plenty of time or no definite timeframe to achieve an outcome is not always a good thing. It simply makes it easier to postpone any activity. This is succinctly summarized by Cyril Northcote Parkinson in his “Parkinson’s Law” which states: "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion" This emphasizes the need for deadlines and targets. Having too much time to complete a task leads to procrastination. Unrealistic, unnecessarily tight deadlines on the other hand cause stress, often cutting corners and sub-optimal performance. However, clear and realistic targets and deadlines can have an amazing effect of focusing the mind and driving productivity, especially if the consequences of not achieving those deadlines are understood and appreciated.

Planning to start and starting – Planning is a good thing. It is said that if you “Fail to plan then you plan to fail”. However, a project which never proceeds beyond the planning stages is not likely to produce any results. Plans can be modified and fine-tuned as work progresses but should never be an excuse for not starting at all. As Zig Ziglar said, "If you wait until all the lights are green before you leave home, you'll never get started on your trip to the top"

Often that first step is the hardest. As any writer knows a blank page is possibly the most terrifying part of the writing process. Once started however, momentum builds. Previously unseen opportunities and connections become apparent and magic happens!

Fatigue and other priorities – There are a myriad activities competing for attention and limited time. Fatigue and the need to prioritize certain tasks can often result in procrastination. There is no shame in asking for help or having others perform tasks which will contribute to the final outcome. Rather than try to do everything yourself it is best to focus on activities that you are good at and enjoy doing and have others assist with other tasks, where this is possible. If you try to do everything yourself, unaided, this may result in starting nothing at all! As this amusing, anonymous, procrastination-related quote suggests even Robinson Crusoe had help:

"Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday"

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Thank you for visiting I hope you found this article of benefit to you.

Wishing you all the best of success.

Kind regards,

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